Fantastic Twins, the ongoing project of Julienne Dessagne, is a sonic exploration of dual characters born from one distinct perspective. A producer, songwriter and acclaimed live performer, Dessagne has spent the last decade sculpting a unique world, releasing on influential labels such as Optimo Music, supporting Bicep on tour and earning the stewardship of electronic music icons including the late, great Andrew Weatherall.
2023 birthed the release of Fantastic Twins long-anticipated album,‘Two Is Not a Number’, an ex- emplary and wildly imaginative LP that channelled Dessagne’s musical purview with the utmost confidence. Bold and refreshingly original, it featured prominently in diverse publications including Future Music Magazine, Harper’s Bazaar and Juno Daily. In print, DJ Mag deemed ‘Two Is Not A Number’ as one of their LPs of the year, while Electronic Sound celebrated the recording as “equal parts euphoria, beauty and tragedy... Astonishing and ambitious.”
‘Two Is Not A Number’ follows years of live performances and experimentation in the midst of some of the world’s most open-minded dancefloors, including fabric and Robert Johnson, as well as festivals such as Houghton, Convenanza, 4GB and MIRA Digital Arts Festival. In these diverse environments, Dessagne’s focus on a hybrid approach, incorporating synthesisers, samplers, sequencers and modular effects has cultivated a devoted following.
Building a sonic narrative on the fringes of techno, driven by a sense of mystery and character that remains entirely her own, Fantastic Twins live performances launch minds and bodies into space with a story that evolves in each setting, waves of rave tension breaking with blissful release. Here, Dessagne’s own vocals act as an organic anchor amid a truly live set that acts as a continuation of the cultures of Kosmische, pure techno and contemporary psychedelia.
While immersed deeply in her own productions, Dessagne remains intrinsically connected not only to today’s alternative culture, but the pioneering influences on her own songwriting, such as Coil, Cosey Fanni Tutti or Nina Simone. In mixes and radio broadcasts for NTS, CRACK, Dublab and Rinse, she has traced the wider constellations of her musical world in shimmering transitions.
With a background in performance since a young age, Dessagne is also known for her scores for contemporary dance. Her first album, ‘Obakodomo’, was the soundtrack for a contemporary dance piece for children, composed as a subtle riposte to the notion that children’s music has to be “childish”. More recently, three tracks from ‘Two Is Not A Number’ soundtracked Dior’s SS24 catwalk, furthering a parallel foundation in fashion that also includes contributions to Acne Studios and JW Anderson.
Following a decade of releases on labels such as Optimo Music, Hippie Dance and Kompakt, 2023 also saw the launch of House of Slessor, an imprint and label founded by Dessagne with the specific intent of self-releasing her own material. Contrasting the elegiac mysteries of ‘Two Is Not A Number’, the preluding ‘46cm Hole In Her Cell’ laid down a trio of tracks cut directly from Fantastic Twins live sessions, delivering bristling experimental bangers with rave intent. In her own words; “perilous, risky, adrenaline-heavy.”
Photo © Anna Daki